Charity of the Year 2023

Martlets – Life Changing Hospice Care

Back in 2021 we launched our Charity of the Year initiative to support local charities with their digital needs. For the second year running we have great pleasure in announcing our next charity partner to receive a digital support package worth £5,000.

It was however a difficult decision for the team to make, as we received an outstanding number of applications from a variety of charities across the South Coast. All of them were worthy winners and had great projects in mind, but unfortunately we can only select one charity to support. 

So, for 2023 we are pleased to announce our Charity of the Year is: Martlets!

Who They Are 

Martlets Hospice Clinical Staff Team Photo

Martlets provides life-changing hospice care to the local community of Brighton and Hove. Helping individuals living with terminal illness, including terminal cancer, neurological conditions like Alzheimers, Parkinson’s and Motor Neurone Disease, to live life to the full during the precious time they have left with family and loved ones. 

They offer dedicated support both at home, or through their inpatient services, as well as additional outpatient care including counselling and social activities. This support is free, and enabled through the support of local people, businesses, and trusts. NHS grants cover some of the costs, but Martlets predominantly relies on the generosity of the wider community to cover their vital services to help change lives.

What They Have To Say

We are really excited to be working with Atelier this year. We are so grateful to have their support on our project which will help us deliver a new patient and carer advice website. It will improve the lives of the people we care for. A huge thank you to the team for choosing #TeamMartlets.

– Hannah Allbrooke, Digital Communications Manager

What We Will Be Doing To Help

Our main focus will be creating a new website for an online Advice Hub, to help relieve the ongoing extreme pressure on the Martlet’s 24/7 advice call line. This hub will contain useful content and advice for patients and families, such as information on any worries or queries they may have in relation to their condition, which would lead them to call the current advice line. 

Also, as part of our Charity of the Year scheme we will provide two technical marketing training sessions over the course of the year, covering a topic of their choice such as Google Analytics, Google Ads and/or Social Media. This will help enhance their current digital marketing skills which will have an ongoing benefit beyond our partnership. 

Whilst, we can’t wait to see how our project with them evolves over the year ahead, we will be supporting our other charity applicants as well, who have been automatically enrolled in our Digital Charity Programme. In part of this scheme they will receive a selection of exclusive benefits including:

  • Quarterly updates on the latest digital trends and news
  • Free website hosting for a year 
  • Two places on our next Google Analytics training course

Interested in Charity of the Year?

If you are interested in our Charity of the Year scheme, and are a registered UK Charity. Email us at [email protected] to be notified when Charity of the Year 2024 applications open.