If you have been reading any industry blogs in the past two years you will know that the power of visual content is the way forward. Especially when it comes to generating traffic to your website and sales for your business. But what content makes your customers tick?
Written Content vs The Power of Visual Content
We know that written content is effective in sparking interest among prospects and boosting domain authority, however it is visual content that is proving more engaging and memorable. A study by the European Journal of Cognitive Psychology suggests that the memory retention rate for text-only content after three days is just 10%. Conversely for text with pictorial content this rises to 65%. Accordingly, as the traffic reaching the website is more targeted and focused, there is a greater likelihood of visitors becoming customers. This in turn means the rate of leads per pound invested can improve dramatically.
In Practice
We have been putting this theory to the test in a recent website project for SPS International. They are global leaders in what they describe as ‘Forensic Search’. Working with some of the world’s leading companies, SPS require their website to reflect the global nature of their business.
As one of the most visited and influential areas of the site, SPS’s ‘Our Company’ page represents one of the core opportunities for SPS to portray their USP to website visitors. As with all website projects, it is not enough to design and build a pretty shell of a website. It has to communicate the correct message.
What We Did
Rather than simply relying on paragraph after paragraph of text, we decided to take a more aesthetically appealing and easily-digestible approach. The main goal as to present the unique selling points in an eye-catching manner. We wanted the main points to be grasped at a glance. We decided that an infographic style layout would be the best fit for this content.
The SPS International brand and website offers rich, professional visuals, so we knew that this would translate well. The new ‘Our Company’ page keeps tightly in line with SPS’s existing branding. Whats more, it has been designed in such a way that it can be easily expanded or updated. Working in tandem with SPS, we boiled down the key benefits of their approach and how best to present this as an infographic style within the page. We also created an infographic using the same content which could be used offsite.
The Results
Each of the current five sections discusses a distinct advantage, coming together to explain why people should choose SPS. Aside from it being easier to skim or scan the page at a glance now, there are several distinct benefits to the new infographic style. The format lends itself well to other media. Be it presented as a full infographic for circulating on social media platforms or via traditional print formats. The shareable nature increases the likelihood of inbound links to the SPS International website. This brings with it targeted traffic and improved search engine ranking.
As well as raising awareness and potentially increasing the ROI, informative content reinforces the brand. Meanwhile, it establishes the company delivering it as a thought leader in its field. Seizing the attention of potential customers and being able to influence their buying decisions is an incredible powerful position to be in.
Up to 73% of businesses now rely on branded content marketing. There a few excuses to miss out. If you want to discuss how visual content could enhance your website or marketing strategy, get in touch today.