Fantastic company to work with! We had a very short turnaround to create our website.
After a competitive tender process, Wessex Cancer Trust appointed us to design and develop a new website. Their previous website had a number of issues when it came to taking payments, and it also wasn’t very user friendly for the team to edit and maintain on an ongoing basis.
They wanted something which truly represented the values of the charity while offering an inclusive experience for their clients.
The website project had a number of key objectives. The key focus was to make it as easy as possible for website visitors to access the information that they were looking for – such as information about centres, advice and guidance and opportunities for jobs or fundraising.
The previous design was very vibrant, however it didn’t perform very well in terms of accessibility and some groups within the website’s user base found it difficult to use. They wanted the new website to look modern and refreshing, however with the main priority being around clear journeys and signposting to relevant information for the user.
From a functionality point of view, the website is responsible for generating event bookings and donations across the organisation. We needed to make sure that this functionality worked seamlessly, without errors or any reason for drop off, to maximise the output of these elements of the website.
Pink is a key colour within the palette for the Wessex Cancer Trust brand, however they felt as though this gave the website quite a feminine feel and could potentially be deterring male visitors from resonating with the message. We utilised other colours from their brand to restore the balance and give the website a more inclusive feel for all users. We also looked to use colour to create clear distinctions between different sections of the website – this was great for both the overall look and feel as well as accessibility.
A significant overhaul was undertaken on the website navigation – simplifying the options and introducing a mega menu for more effective signposting. Mega menus are ideal for displaying lots of options in a simple, easy to understand format.
They wanted the website to reflect a supportive, empathetic and credible message, with an underlying sense of community. To achieve this, all of the photography featured real clients – avoiding stock photography.
Before launch we undertook the necessary optimisations to ensure the website could be read, understood and indexed by Google. This included redirects from the old site to new which catered for structural changes and preserved existing SEO performance.
We set up useful SEO plugins to help the internal team to maintain the website on an ongoing basis, and set up Google Tag Manager to record meaningful actions on the website for future performance analysis.
Fantastic company to work with! We had a very short turnaround to create our website.
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